Corporate responsibility
“Holding Zagora” OOD considers socially responsible behavior as its duty. The responsible attitude assists management of the operational risk within the holding group, as well as ensures sustainable development, continuous recognition of the holding and maintenance of its good reputation.
The Holding effectively manages its consumption of electricity and fuel in all of its subsidiaries. It disposes its waste responsibly and provides high quality of its products.
The Management of Holding Zagora OOD follows a clearly defined and straightly stated in front of the personnel and its partners policy for quality control. The systems for management of quality, environment and health and safety at work are integrated and certified.
In line with its high social and civic responsibility, Holding Zagora is also active in charity.
Priority in the charity activities of the Holding group are the truly deprived organizations and individuals. Over the years people in disadvantaged status and orphans have been financed or assisted with materials and supplies.
Holding Zagora helps the development of sport as well. Initiatives connected with enhance of the national consciousness and quality of life are supported through preservation of art and the cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria.